There's a super story on Slate today about Bush and Cheney making campaign stops at Cabela's stores. (previous stories: one, two) Michelle Leder interviewed company spokesman Joe Arterburn to figure out what the connection was and decided to coin a term that might correspond with the NASCAR dads. I'm not too sure about "Cabela's Fellas" but hey, I didn't write the story.
I like Arterburn's comments regarding equal time for Kerry and Edwards:
"We welcome any visit by Sen. Kerry or Sen. Edwards," says Arterburn. "It's part of our civic duty." But neither Kerry nor Edwards has managed to swing by a Cabela's—although both men describe themselves as avid hunters and supporters of the Second Amendment. Arterburn says the company was approached by the Kerry campaign to do an event at the Wheeling store, but he didn't believe it involved a visit by either Kerry or Edwards. So far, though, nothing has been scheduled. "We're going to be fair and balanced," says Arterburn.
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