My good buddy, the Persuasion Architect posted a commentary about an iMedia article last night.
Anthony takes them to task for suggesting that the graphics in your ad matter more than the words. I couldn't agree with him more.
HOWEVER, just for the sake of fun, I'm going to dogpile onto this. I have a problem with the methodology. The article says interviews were used to test the ads. Interviews? I wish there was more information about the research methods. How about just measure the results of the ads?
Never ask your customers if they "liked" your ad. Ask your cash register.
Link: A Day in the Life of a Persuasion Architect: How To Get Noticed Online.
How To Get Noticed Online
While I would always agree with the words first pictures second statement, in this case I would make an exception. That exception is this: Going deeper and looking at the actual location of placement by downloadinbg her PPT doc, she really misses the description by not stating the environment is one for a billboard. The aspect ratios she reviews help the message stand out, in a sea of clutter. And if you know about billboards you know only three -five words are effective to get someones attention. BUT true to form it has to be WIIFM so the words are still the bottom line after you get their attention with a popping layout, which could be all words, just the right ones.
Posted by: Phil | September 24, 2005 at 07:52 AM
It's kind of an artificial assumption. The entire ad is important. Take a perfect, very effective ad with a great reponse rate. Get rid of the pictures - response rate drops, get rid of the words no response rate. The top direct mail people know that graphic design and copywriting are both extremely important to response.
Arguing over which is more important is kind of moot.
Posted by: J D Moore | October 04, 2005 at 09:37 PM
Thanks for stopping by JD. I don't think the point is moot at all, and by your comment neither do you.
If you read the original article you'll see that they only talk about text one out of seven principles.
Again, my point is that they used questionable research methodology(which ad do you "like") to support a conclusion about the ad's effectiveness (which ad sold more product?)
It's not just about boobs and bitchin' graphics. It's about persuasion and a call to action.
Posted by: Dave Young | October 05, 2005 at 05:11 AM