Are you doing anything that makes you uncomfortable?
A couple of days ago, on the way out to our WWII Vintage Munitions Storage Bunker, I let my 12-year-old daughter drive. Shhh. Don't tell. BTW...she's pretty darned good. It's a step into the land of discomfort.
Yes, it's really an explosives storage facility.
Here's the sign from inside the door. There are some other good pics of the facility here. Don't worry, the only things stored in these things since the 1960s are grain, furniture and crap that won't sell at garage sales.
Today, I put myself in the care of a personal trainer. There's a step beyond the comfort zone.
Yesterday, I committed to teaching at Wizard Academy again. Thanks Roy! I needed the kick in the butt.
I hope that some of you who sent emails yesterday will actually step out of your fear of the web and register for the class!
May I be the first in line to say that Dave Young's curiosity can change your life? It's because he knows all the "latest and greatest" stuff out there and is eager to share it with you. You'll be oh-so-sorry if you don't sign up for his class!
Posted by: Michele Miller | September 18, 2007 at 03:41 PM
I took Dave's blogging class three years ago at Wizard Academy. It was one of the best things I have ever given myself. It's very practical, you don't have to be a web guru to get it. I left that day with a blog and one or two posts. 37 months later I have over 500 posts. If you Google my name, you'll find my blog has me in #1 position. Just do it.
Posted by: Chris Busch | September 19, 2007 at 09:32 AM
Looks like the class will be March 5-6 in Austin at the Wizard Academy. I'll post details when they're confirmed.
Posted by: Dave Young | October 17, 2007 at 08:16 AM